아래 링크에서 사용 예제 확인 가능


int main(int argc, char** argv) 
    // ROS set-ups:
    ros::init(argc, argv, "exampleRosClass"); //node name

    ros::NodeHandle nh; // create a node handle; need to pass this to the class constructor

    ROS_INFO("main: instantiating an object of type ExampleRosClass");
    ExampleRosClass exampleRosClass(&nh);  //instantiate an ExampleRosClass object and pass in pointer to nodehandle for constructor to use

    ROS_INFO("main: going into spin; let the callbacks do all the work");
    return 0;
//CONSTRUCTOR:  this will get called whenever an instance of this class is created
// want to put all dirty work of initializations here
// odd syntax: have to pass nodehandle pointer into constructor for constructor to build subscribers, etc
ExampleRosClass::ExampleRosClass(ros::NodeHandle* nodehandle):nh_(*nodehandle)
{ // constructor
    ROS_INFO("in class constructor of ExampleRosClass");
    initializeSubscribers(); // package up the messy work of creating subscribers; do this overhead in constructor
    //initialize variables here, as needed
    // can also do tests/waits to make sure all required services, topics, etc are alive