(Under the contruction)

수식 없는 SLAM

  1. Introduction
  2. SLAM이란?
  3. Filter 기반의 SLAM
    1. TBU
    2. TBU
    3. TBU
  4. Graph 기반의 SLAM
    1. TBU
    2. TBU
    3. TBU

Camera를 이용한 SLAM

  1. 카메라 센서에 대한 이해
  2. TBU


  1. LiDAR 센서에 대한 이해
  2. TBU

ROS Point Cloud Library Tutorials

  1. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 0. Tutorial 및 기본 사용법
  2. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 1. Ptr, ConstPtr의 완벽 이해 (1) shared_ptr
  3. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 1. Ptr, ConstPtr의 완벽 이해 (2) Ptr in PCL
  4. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 1. Ptr, ConstPtr의 완벽 이해 (3) Ptr in 클래스 멤버변수
  5. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 2. 형변환 - toROSMsg, fromROSMsg
  6. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 3. Transformation
  7. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 4. Viewer로 visualization하는 법
  8. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 5. Voxelization
  9. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 6. PassThrough
  10. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 7. Statistical Outlier Removal
  11. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 8. KdTree를 활용한 Radius Search
  12. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 9. KdTree를 활용한 K-nearest Neighbor Search (KNN)
  13. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 10. Normal Estimation
  14. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 11. Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
  15. ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 12. Generalized Iterative Closest Point (G-ICP)

LeGO-LOAM Line-by-Line

  1. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-1.-Introduction: Preview and Preliminaries
  2. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-2.-ImageProjection-(1): Range Image Projection & Ground Removal
  3. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-2.-ImageProjection-(2): Cloud Segmentation using Clustering
  4. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-3.-FeatureAssociation-(1): Ready for Feature Extraction
  5. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-3.-FeatureAssociation-(2): Corner and Planar Feature Extraction
  6. LeGO-LOAM-Line-by-Line-3.-FeatureAssociation-(3): Relative Pose Estimation via Two-stage Optimization

IMU Preintegration

  1. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 1. Introduction
  2. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 2. Preliminaries (1) Keyframe
  3. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 2. Preliminaries (2) 3D Rotation and Uncertainty
  4. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 3. Derivation of IMU Model and Motion Integration
  5. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 4. Derivation of Preintegrated IMU Measurements
  6. IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 5. IMUPreintegration in LIO-SAM

SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩 꿀팁

  1. SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩꿀팁 (1)
  2. SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩꿀팁 (2)
  3. SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩꿀팁 (3)