Currently a postdoc in SPARK Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since Apr. 2024. Previously worked as a postdoc in Urban Robotics Labaratory at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), a visiting student in StachnissLab at University of Bonn, and research intern in Naver Labs.

Earned my Ph.D and M.S in Electrical Engineering from KAIST (supervised by academic father, Prof. Hyun Myung) and my Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from KAIST.

I'm a robotics researcher and an enthusiast of open source as well. So I enjoy open-sourcing my researches regarding robotics to help others — check out my Github repository.

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Detailed Bio Hyungtae Lim is a postdoctoral researcher in the SPARK Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since April 2024. Previously, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Urban Robotics Laboratory at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), a visiting student in StachnissLab at the University of Bonn, and a research intern at Naver Labs. He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from KAIST under the supervision of Prof. Hyun Myung, and his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from KAIST.


Field of Research Interest

My research interest includes, but not confined to:

  • SLAM using LiDAR, camera, or radar sensors
  • Robust 3D point cloud registration
  • Mobile robotics including autonomous vehicles
  • All kinds of perception that help perceiving neighbor situations
    • In particular, ground segmentation as pre-processing by using a 3D point cloud
    • Instance segmentation and clustering
  • Localization including visual localization (i.e. visual place recognition)
  • Static map building by updating a prior 3D point cloud map
  • Robust visual(-inertial) odometry
  • Analytical redundancy

Detailed Education

  • Ph.D candidate Electrical Engineering(also complete Robotics Program) / KAIST - 2020.03~ 2023.02
    • Thesis title: Robust LiDAR SLAM Framework for Autonomous Vehicles Leveraging Ground Segmentation
  • M.S Electrical Engineering(also complete Robotics Program) / KAIST - 2018.03~2020.02
    • Thesis title: Two-stage Depth Prediction using a 2D LiDAR and a Monocular Camera via Deep Learning
  • B.S Mechanical Engineering / KAIST - 2013.03~2018.02


  • Invited Visiting Scholar at StachnissLab, Univ. Bonn, Germany - 2022.11 ~ 2023.02
  • Ouside Expert of CTO Division of LG Electronics - 2022.03 ~
  • CV / Deep Learning Research Intern, NAVER LABS Corp. 2021.04 ~ 2021.09 (6 months)

Honors & Awards

  • CES 2023 Innovation Awards With Hills Robotics - 2022.10
  • 2nd Prize among academia in HILTI SLAM Challenge 2022 (workshop in IEEE ICRA) - 2022.05
  • Student Best Paper Award in ICCAS 2020 - 2020.10
  • Received Kim Sung-bue Creative Activity Award, from KAIST - 2020.07
  • Hitachi-LG LiDAR application Competition, Grand Prize ($ 5,000) - 2019.08
  • Received Han Cheolhui Augustine Scholarship, from EE, KAIST - 2019.04
  • 2018 Smart City Service and Start-up Competition, Excellence Prize - 2018.09
  • Listed on Dean’s list of ME, KAIST (GPA 4.23/4.3 at the semester) - Fall semester, 2015

Fun Facts

I won the grand prize at Taeul Singing Competition, which is the largest singing competition of Chungcheong four years in a row!



shapelim at mit dot edu