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Robotics, Deep Learning, and SLAM
SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩 꿀팁 (2)
2. Quaternion이나 Eular angles을 변수화할 때 순서를 명시하자
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SLAM, Robotics 프로그래밍을 위한 3가지 코딩 꿀팁 (1)
1. Transformation matrix의 기준이 어디인지 "잘" 명시하자.
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Ubuntu 18.04에서 OpenCV 3.2에서 OpenCV 3.4로 업그레이드 하기
사경을 해메는 OpenCV 버전 업그레이드
시작의 근원
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 5. IMUPreintegration in LIO-SAM
Line-by-line explanations of IMU Preintegration in LIO-SAM
최종적으로 LIO-SAM 내부의 imuPreintegration.cpp 코드가 어떻게 작동되는지를 알아본다. 코드가 꽤 긴데, 원 코드는 여기 참조.
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 4. Derivation of Preintegrated IMU Measurements
Preintegrated IMU Measurements
본 글에서는 \(i\)와 \(j\) 번째의 keyframe 사이의 총 K개의 IMU measurement을 어떻게 preintegration하는지에 대해서 설명한다.
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 3. Derivation of IMU Model and Motion Integration
Motion Integration by using acceleration and angular velocity
Derivation of IMU Model and Motion Integration
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 2. Preliminaries (2) 3D Rotation and Uncertainty
Uncertainty Description in SO(3)
Preliminaries of IMU Preintegration (2) Uncertainty Description in SO(3)
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 2. Preliminaries (1) Keyframe
Definition of Keyframe
Preliminaries of IMU Preintegration (1) Definition of Keyframe
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IMU Preintegration (Easy) - 1. Introduction
Easy explanations of "On-Manifold Preintegration for Real-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry"
IMU Preintegration for Beginners
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 3. FeatureAssociation (3)
Relative Pose Estimation via Two-stage Optimization
FeatureAssociation in LeGO-LOAM (3) Relative Pose Estimation via Two-stage Optimization
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 3. FeatureAssociation (2)
Corner and Planar Feature Extraction
FeatureAssociation in LeGO-LOAM (2) Edge and Planar Feature Extraction
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 3. FeatureAssociation (1)
Ready for Feature Extraction
FeatureAssociation in LeGO-LOAM (1) Ready for Feature Extraction
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 2. ImageProjection (2)
Cloud Segmentation using Clustering
ImageProjection in LeGO-LOAM (2) Cloud Segmentation using Clustering
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 2. ImageProjection (1)
Range Image Projection & Ground Removal
ImageProjection in LeGO-LOAM (1) Range Image Projection & Ground Removal
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LeGO-LOAM Line by Line - 1. Introduction
Preview and Preliminaries
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ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 13. getVector3fMap()을 통한 효율적인 복사
The Faster, the better
getVector3fMap()을 통한 Speed Up
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ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 12. Generalized Iterative Closest Point (G-ICP)
G-ICP 내부 설명
Generalized Iterative Closest Point (G-ICP)
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ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 11. Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
Hello ICP
Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
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ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL) - 10. Normal Estimation
Low-level Normal Estimation of PointCloud
Normal Estimation
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